2023 Senior Spotlight – Hunter Lance Turner – Benton Academy

Power 107 recognizes Benton Academy Hunter Lance Turner Son of Buddy and Wanda Turner Clubs, honors, and activities include: Student Council Representative, Science Club, Honor Society, Volunteering at the Manna House, and Rolling Fork Tornado Relief. Plans to attend Holmes Community College then...

2023 Senior Spotlight – Allison Rae Pingrey – Benton Academy

Power 107 recognizes Benton Academy Senior Allison Rae Pingrey Daughter of Peter and Deana Pingrey Clubs, honors, and activities include: National Honor Society, Science Club, Varsity Cheerleader, and Class Officer Plans to attend Holmes Community College then UMMC. (Photo courtesy of Lambs Photography...

2023 Senior Spotlight – Cooper Jones – Benton Academy

Power 107 recognizes Benton Academy Senior Cooper Jones Son of Scottie and Stacey Jones Clubs, honors, and activities include: Football, Baseball, Tornado Cleanup at Rolling Fork, Volunteering at the Manna House and taking the 3K on field trips. Plans to attend Holmes Community...