Don’t Forget:  See Tracks? Think Train!


From Kimbler Sloan – Mississippi Operation Lifesaver

With the beginning of the school year right around the corner, it is crucial for everyone

to remember the importance of safe behavior around railroad tracks. Every single day in

2013, someone died as a result of trespassing on railroad tracks. In fact, in 2018 there

were a total of twelve tragic deaths in our state according to safety data provided by the

Federal Railroad Administration.

The only safe and legal place to cross the tracks is where there is a designated crossing.

Beyond the legal ramifications of a fine or ticket, there is also is a very real risk of serious

injury and possible death any time you attempt to beat a train or walk anywhere within

the railroad right-of-way.

Every time you take a shortcut through the train yard, climb through or under a train

that has been sitting there for a while or drive around the crossings arms that are down,

you’re exposing yourself — and train crews — to a lifetime of suffering for the possibility

of saving a few minutes. It’s just not worth it. Don’t forget, too, that train tracks were

never designed for fishing, hunting, ATVing or any other recreational activity. Even

if a train isn’t there, your risk for injury in the track gauge is enormous.

Please help us spread the railroad safety message of Mississippi Operation Lifesaver

by being a rail safety role model. Always cross at designated crossings and tell your

friends and family to do the same. Never allow distractions to take your attention away

when you’re around train tracks. Remember, alcohol and train tracks make for a deadly

mix. Log on to and start educating yourself about rail safety

and share what you learn with someone.


And remember whenever you see tracks, always think train.

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