City of Yazoo City Amnesty Program 2019



City of Yazoo City Amnesty Program 2019

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of Yazoo City, Mississippi, announces that the City of Yazoo City’s Municipal Court will offer its Third Annual Amnesty Program on March 1, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. to help individuals clear fines for past violations. Individuals will have the opportunity to pay tickets, court imposed fines and court costs while waiving warrant and administration fees for each violation. Unpaid traffic tickets can result in additional fees and penalties, and an arrest. Traffic cases and misdemeanors with the exception of DUI, domestic violence, crimes involving weapons and crimes against another person can be cleared on Amnesty Day. Citizens must be prepared to pay fines in full to have all fees waived.

Judge Lilli Evans Bass stated, “the Court is pleased to offer this program each year to afford citizens the opportunity to clear outstanding fines or warrants while avoiding additional fees and penalties. This opportunity only happens once a year, and I citizens will utilize it.”

Following this year’s Amnesty Program, any remaining outstanding warrants will be rigorously enforced.

Bring a photo I.D., a copy of the ticket if you can locate it, and payment to the Yazoo City Police Department at 305 Mike Espy Drive, Yazoo City, MS. For more information, call 662-746-1131 and ask for Municipal Court.

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